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Safety Regulations

As per instructions from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Safety Department, personnel working in the PETE labs need to follow procedure listed below before engaging in any experimental work:

1. Prepare a detailed report highlighting the experimental procedure (include materials to be used and associated risks in their use by filling out a Safety Data Sheet).

2. Get your direct supervisor (thesis advisor) to approve your experimental procedure.

3. Prepare an acknowledgement letter stating that you

    a. understand the safety procedures (hazard recognition, emergency preparedness, and hazard mitigation)

    b. and follow them while conducting your experiments.

4. Sign the acknowledgment letter and get it approved by your direct Supervisor (thesis advisor).

5. Submit a Certificate of HAZCOM Training* to Mr. Randy Andres. A copy should also be submitted to your direct Supervisor, if HAZCOM training is not available on your Moodle, it is always available at

6. The Department will process your key request form once experimental procedure, Safety Data Sheet, acknowledgment letter and HAZCOM Training Certificate are all submitted to Mr. Randy Andres. 

*Procedure for HAZCOM Training:

          1. Download the quiz from the website.

          2. Print quiz and mark the correct answers.

          3. Submit the form to Mr. Joseph “Joey” V. Pons (116 South Campus Drive, Lafayette, LA 70503).

Note: All PETE Instructors need a Certificate of HAZCOM Training before utilizing the PETE Labs.

All students (undergrads and grads) utilizing the labs are asked not to:

           1. Eat and/or drink in the Labs.

           2. Leave out assignments, course materials, etc in the Labs.

           3. Leave before proper cleaning of utilized equipment as well as workstations.