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2017-2018 DFW AADE Scholarship

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Bryan Holmgren has been selected as a 2017-2018 DFW AADE Scholarship recipient. The Dallas Ft. Worth American Association of Drilling Engineers has mailed scholarships totaling $30,000 to 15 recipients at 9 different universities stretching from Montana to Louisiana. Each student will receive $2,000.

Bryan is originally from Cleveland, OH. He moved to Louisiana to attend the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and is working towards a B.S. in Petroleum Engineering and minors in Mathematics and Geology. He is a head of the Engineering Ambassador program, where he actively speaks to high school students interested in pursuing a career in Engineering or Technology. While in school, he has worked as an assistant manager at Domino's, and been an elected official for a number of school organizations.

Congratulations Bryan !