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UL Lafayette DrillBotics Team made it to the Final Round of the Global DrillBotics Competition

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The UL Lafayette DrillBotics team was selected as one of the nine finalists who will compete in the second and final round of the Drillbotics™ international university competition by the end of May 2018. 

The nine finalists are :

  • Clausthal University of Technology (Germany)
  • Missouri University of Science and Technology (USA)
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)
  • Texas A&M University (USA)
  • University of Calgary (Canada)
  • University of Louisiana at Lafayette (USA)
  • University of North Dakota (USA)
  • University of Oklahoma (USA)
  • University of Stavanger (Norway)   

The UL Lafayette team, consisting of a group of students from Petroleum and Mechanical Engineering, is led by the student Jared Savoy and supervised by Dr. Abdennour Seibi along with Mr. Randy Andres from the Petroleum Engineering department.  Dr. Seibi has expressed his high opinion of the dedication and professionalism demonstrated by our students throughout the first round. He has also shown his appreciation to faculty members from the Mechanical Engineering (Prof. William Simon and Dr. Yonas Niguse) for assigning senior students from the Mechanical Engineering to work alongside with the Petroleum students.  Dr. Seibi is also thankful to Dr. Mohmmad Madani and Prof. Afef Fekih for being in the internal selection committee.

DrillBotics is an International student competition organized by SPE Drilling Systems Automation Technical Section (DSATS).  This year marks the fourth competition for the title of Drillbotics™ champion and a chance for sponsored travel to present a paper at the next SPE/IADC Drilling Conference. In the first round, students have to submit a proposal with a detailed design of an automated drilling rig that meets specific design requirements set by DSATS.  An SPE International committee then selects the top proposals for the second round.  Selected teams will then build a prototype of an automated drilling rig for the competition where all competing teams will be given the same block to drill through it automatically without any human intervention and the winning team is the team that drills the fastest.

Geaux Cajuns!