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Petroleum Engineering Courses
PETE 101 Introduction to Petroleum Engineering
PETE 211 (PETE 382) Drilling Fluids
PETE 212 (PETE 384) Drilling Fluids Lab
PETE 311 (PETE 491) Drilling Engineering
PETE 312 (PETE 493) Drilling Lab
PETE 313 (PETE 481) Formation Evaluation
PETE 314 (PETE 483) Form Evaluation Lab
PETE 321 (PETE 391) Phase Behavior
PETE 322 (PETE 392) Res. Fluid Flow
PETE 323 (PETE 394) Res. Mech. Lab
PETE 401 Senior Design Project I
PETE 402 Senior Design Project II
PETE 411 (PETE 484) Well Planning
PETE 421 (PETE 494) Reservoir Engineering
PETE 422 (PETE 496) Reservoir Lab
PETE 423 (PETE 482) Imp. Rec. Procedures
PETE 424 (PETE 485) Risk Analysis
PETE 431 (PETE 486) Production Engineering
PETE 432 (PETE 488) Production Lab
PETE 433 (PETE 478) Natural Gas
PETE 434 (PETE 489) Well Completion
3 credit hours of PETE electives
3 credit hours of PETE/Geology electives
General Engineering Courses
ENGR 201 Elec Circuits
ENGR 218 Statics & Strength of Materials
ENGR 301 Thermodynamics
ENGR 305 Transport Phenomena
Non-Engineering Courses
CHEM 107 General Chemistry I
CHEM 108 General Chemistry II
CHEM 115 General Chemistry Lab
ECON 300 Fundamentals of Economics
ECON 430 Industrial Economics & Finance
1 Literature elective
ENGL 101 English Rhetoric & Composition
ENGL 102 Composition & Literature
ENGL 365 Technical Writing
GEOL 111 Physical Geology
GEOL 314 Structural Geology
MATH 270 Calculus I
MATH 301 Calculus II
MATH 350 Differential Equations
1 Math/Statistics elective
PHYS 201 General Physics I
1 Biological science elective