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Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering program, there are multiple requirements you must meet. Visit the graduate school website to apply.

Undergraduate Degree

First, you must have either:

  • a bachelor of science degree in engineering from an ABET/EAC accredited program;
  • an approved non-accredited bachelor of science degree in engineering; or
  • a bachelor of science degree from a closely aligned, non-engineering major.

In most cases, if you do not hold an undergraduate degree in engineering, you may have take additional undergraduate courses to ensure that you have the appropriate engineering knowledgebase. Those will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


To be considered, you must have either:

  • An overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher; or
  • A cumulative technical GPA calculated over the last 60 hours of your undergraduate curriculum of 2.85 or higher, which is calculated using technical courses of engineering and sciences.


If you do not meet the requirements above, a faculty member from the Department of Petroleum Engineering will have to submit an admissions petition to the graduate coordinator. Once that is received, the department head and graduate coordinator will bring the petition forward for a graduate faculty vote. The petition must receive a majority vote to allow your acceptance to the graduate program.

Graduate Student Requirements

To remain a graduate student in the Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering program, you must retain a 3.0 GPA. Learn more about the course requirements.